Since 1999, Gronen has been restoring historic buildings and constructing new buildings throughout Dubuque, Iowa, and the tri-state area. Our dedicated team includes construction managers, project managers, on-site superintendents, estimators, carpentry team, painters, and a masonry crew.
Budget Oversight
With over 25 years of experience in the business, Gronen is a trusted partner in budget management and oversight. We work hard to provide accurate estimates, which help clients plan, and ultimately control project costs. Our team works seamlessly with you to stay on track.

Gronen values teamwork. We are widely known for our strong partnerships with subcontractors and bring excellent working relationships to the project. Gronen is acutely aware of the experience, performance, and capacity of partners when selecting the best fit for your project. Our team requires prequalification from subcontractors, and is willing to work with new teams or subcontractors that the client prefers. We’re happy to talk with you about the prequalification process – contact us here.

At Gronen, we believe that planning the work and working the plan makes for a highly successful project. We are diligent in our project phasing, tracking, and efficiency. Known for consistently meeting or beating deadlines on all projects, makes us sought after in the industry.
The Gronen Difference
Integrated Project Development
Experienced Deconstruction/Rehabilitation Team
Sophisticated Layering of Funding Sources
Historic Tax Credits​
The result: catalytic, impactful projects

Lean Construction/ Sustainability
At Gronen, sustainability is a key priority, which is exemplified through our Lean Construction model. Our design and construction philosophy keeps life cycle in mind. We ensure that long term, our projects prioritize the health and safety of occupants, elevate energy conservation, and can adapt to necessary changes. We hold ourselves accountable to ensure we're always improving, and including the client every step of the way.

Additional Services Offered
Construction Management
Project Management
Estimating & Budgeting
Masonry Restoration & Repair
Mortar Analysis & Matching
Cracks, Settlement, & Leaks
Deteriorated Masonry
Masonry Cleaning & Paint Stripping
Historic Stuccos & Renders
Changing the Color of Masonry
Water Repellents
Historic Window & Door Restoration
Rough & Finish Carpentry
Gypsum Board Assemblies
Restoration & Finish Painting