The safety of our team members and work sites is our highest priority. Gronen strives for zero workplace injuries, by focusing not only on preventing accidents, but by continuously improving our processes.
We understand each construction site differs and can pose distinctive safety hazards. With each job site posing various risks there is no “One Size Fits All” approach to reducing hazards. Our safety team will approach each project with a specific safety plan.

Safety Expertise
With safety as a number one priority for Gronen, we ensure that our team is participating in continuing safety education and partnering with OSHA-compliant worksafe programs.
Our safety standards are elevated, and we cut no corners, because we value the people we work with above all else.

Safety Awards
We are proud to have been awarded the Acuity Insurance Safety Award several years in a row. This award is given to businesses that are exemplary in ensuring workplace safety – less than 1% of contractors receive this award!