Gronen is a leader in building community and growing economic and social vibrancy. We believe that a vital urban core reflects the sustainability and inclusiveness of a community, and we advance projects that cultivate a unique sense of place.
We believe in the power of partnerships. For the last 25+ years, the team at Gronen has learned that nothing is possible without teamwork, tenacity, and a willingness to invest time, energy, and hard work. We align ourselves with the most innovative partners in the industry, offering our clients the finest service available.
Dubuque Forward
Dubuque Forward, a part of the Mississippi Driftless Regional Alliance, facilitates, collaborates, and provides structure and process to catalyze growth and create action in the Dubuque community. Gronen was involved in the initial stages of this organization's development. This group is working to bring private investment and momentum to community goals, and Gronen is proud to partner on Dubuque’s first private pocket park being developed in a vacant lot in our urban center.

HEART Partnership
The Gronen team was integral in founding the HEART Partnership. HEART is a hands-on learning experience for youth and adults to achieve their goals. HEART empowers all individuals to accomplish their objectives of graduation, career training, connections to post-secondary education, and/or workforce development. HEART students experience significant success, with a 92% graduation rate from school or the program. Upon placement in a job, they triple their average annual income, become contributing members of the local workforce, and self-report to have found greater life purpose.

Heritage Works
Building upon our passion for historic restoration and its impacts on a vibrant economy, Gronen, in partnership with John and Alice Butler, crafted the vision for the nonprofit organization, Heritage Works. The Gronen team committed substantial staff time and resources in developing a business and strategic plan to promote and support smaller scale restoration projects in Dubuque and the surrounding region through Heritage Works’ mission-driven work.

Hills & Dales
Hills and Dales works to build meaningful lives for individuals with disabilities by offering services that support the whole person and enhance community inclusion. Gronen was honored to partner with Hills & Dales on the design and remodel of Hills & Dales’ new Weber Autism Center, providing state of the art Applied Behavior Analysis therapy to children from across the region.

Four Mounds Foundation
Gronen was instrumental in the creation of the Four Mounds Foundation, which was founded as a not-for-profit organization in 1987 as a means for managing and stewarding a generous gift of property willed to the City of Dubuque from the estate of Elizabeth Adams Burden upon her passing in 1982. The Burdens had a vision for the 54 acres of scenic river view property, that it might be preserved for the public good and be utilized for educational purposes.
Their mission is to preserve, educate, and serve. To that end they:
Preserve the natural, architectural and historical resources of the Four Mounds estate
Educate with hands-on opportunities for youth and community
Serve through leadership, stewardship, and innovative partnerships

Opening Doors
Opening Doors is a nonprofit organization helping women and children who are experiencing homelessness. Gronen partnered with Opening Doors to rehabilitate the former St. Mary's School and transform it into Francis Apartments, a mixture of market rate and permanent supportive housing. Gronen continues to manage the Francis Apartments, providing quality housing to clients of Opening Doors.

Smart Growth Development
Gronen created and has sustained Smart Growth Development, a nonprofit which has led critical coordinated efforts in advocating for the State and Federal Historic Tax Credit with a unified voice. This work has raised the Historic Tax Credit caps, spurred economic growth in Iowa, and has been lauded by the National Trust for Historic Preservation as one of the most effective advocacy efforts in the country.

Steeple Square
A founding partner in developing a vision and plan for the transformation of the former St. Mary’s vacant church campus, Gronen has been a leader and project manager of the Steeple Square revitalization. We are working with the nonprofit board to develop housing, jobs, education, vocational training, and cultural experiences through the $15 million investment in Dubuque’s Washington Neighborhood. The transformational revitalization demonstrates to the community that we believe in investing in the people and places in our downtown. Steeple Square serves as a hub of support, a model of innovative collaboration, and a gateway to Dubuque’s True North and to Schmitt Island.

Schmid Innovation Center and the Dubuque Millwork Collective
Through Envision 2010, the Dubuque community identified revitalization of the Historic Millwork District as a top priority for achieving Dubuque’s vision of sustainability. The Gronen team was the first company to take on the risk of purchasing and redeveloping a warehouse in Dubuque’s Millwork District.
In addition to the mixed-use space including housing, business, restaurants, and retail, the Schmid Innovation Center is home to a dynamic multi-tenant organization supporting non-profits and community initiatives. The Millwork Collective is home to several nonprofits who are able to operate more efficiently and generate increased impact through co-location and shared services. This provides cost savings while fostering new opportunities.